Verti-Crete Blog

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Verti-Block Lets The Light In

In Salt Lake City, Owell Precast is improving home values by using Verti-Block to hold back the earth and let the light in…to the basement.  Utah is known for having large families, so basements have become important living space for single family homes. A walkout basement allows for convenient ...

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Looking For A Sign

Verti-Crete precast fencing integrates seamlessly with even the trickiest parts of the wall job like entrances and dumpster enclosures.  Since both panel and column can be installed in varying heights and angles they can accommodate curved entrances and adjust for visibility clearance.  With the n...

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If Bigger is Better, then Too Much is Just Right!

Spanning the Distance Verti-Crete’s innovative vertical battery mold technology has revolutionized the way precasters make sound walls.  From residential privacy walls that increase homeowner value and security to interstate highway sound attenuation walls that silence the roar of speeding traffi...

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Verti-Block is Lowering Costs While Raising the Bar

Carving a Niche The Courtyard Marriott in Oneonta, NY now sits nestled into a hillside overlooking the city.  But not long ago the site looked very different.  The lot was considered by many to be unbuildable land which suited the city’s planning commission just fine.  But thanks to a persist...